Uhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff

AV. Paseo de la Reforma 509 piso 22 Col. Cuauhtemoc 06500 Mexico City, Mexico.
Phone: 52 (55) 5533 5060
Uhthoff, Gómez Vega & Uhthoff, S.C. is the clear leader of the IP firms in Mexico. For over a century the firm has been providing legal services to clients both domestically and around the globe.
The firm is one of the most prestigious and recognised law firms in the country, with an undeniable track record of success across a spectrum of services in an array of different industries.
The combined expertise at the firm, not only in delivering the legal services clients expect, but in doing so with the insight and awareness of what drives clients’ passion for innovation is what sets the firm apart.