LION & LION Patent and Trademark Attorneys Office

ul. Karlowicza 24/1, 80-275 Gdansk, Poland,
Phone: +48 663 802 804
At Lion & Lion our goal is to provide efficient, flexible and fast IP services for maximum protection of the IP assets.
Preparation, filing and prosecution of application for patents, utility models, trademarks and designs before the Polish Patent Office (UPRP); preparation, filing and prosecution of application for European Union trademarks and European Union designs; preparation of patent applications to be filed in the European Patent Office (EPO) and in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO); preparation of responses to Official Letters to be filed in the UPRP, EPO and USPTO; entering to Polish national phase of the international PCT applications; validation of European patents (EP) in Poland; annuities and renewal fees – servicing before the EUIPO (OHIM) and the UPRP; searches of novelty of patents; licensing.
Patent and Trademark Attorney Dariusz Mielcarski – résumé:
Dariusz obtained his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Gdansk University of Technology, and his Masters in Business Administration from the Gdansk Foundation for Management Development in collaboration with Strathclyde University in Scotland.
Dariusz studied intellectual patent law at the University of Warsaw, and has received valuable experience from working at the patent office of Kasper & Laughlin, Attorneys at Law, in Warren, New Jersey, USA, before returning to practice in Poland. A native speaker of Polish, fluent in English and good in technical German.
Dariusz Mielcarski
Patent and Trademark Attorney