J Varbanov and Partners

South Park Complex, bl. 1A, BG-1421 Sofia, Bulgaria,
Phone: +359 2 986 51 25
J. Varbanov and partners is one of the leading IP firms in Bulgaria. We provide professional and cost effective services and quality advices on all aspects of industrial property matters for the territory of Bulgaria as well as for the European Union.
Our team is dealing with establishment, protection and enforcement of Industrial property rights derived from patents, trademarks and industrial designs. We do validation of European patents in Bulgaria.
Our stuff is Bulgarian and European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorneys with great experience.
We do filings and representations before Bulgarian Patent Office, OHIM, WIPO and EPI.
We also assist our clients in registering and maintenance of domain names and represent clients in arbitration proceedings and disputes in connection with domain names / trademarks conflicts.
We represent clients before Custom Authorities in connection with the application of Boarder Measures in connection with intellectual property rights and all kinds of anti-counterfeiting activities.
We are members of INTA, ECTA, EPI, AIPPI, UNION of European Practitioners in Industrial Property, PTMG.
Iliana Muhibian
Partner, Head of Trademark Department
Email: ilmuhibian@jvpatents.com