Fake it till you make it: horizons in plant-based meat analogues

Fake it till you make it: horizons in plant-based meat analogues

Shifting consumer attitudes, an uptake of plant-based and flexitarian diets, and a growing global demand for food are driving rapid expansion in the plant-based meat sector. In fact, sales of meat-free products are expected to exceed £1.1 billion in the UK by 2024....
The Supreme Court takes enablement law back to basics

The Supreme Court takes enablement law back to basics

On May 18, 2023, the US Supreme Court issued its opinion in Amgen v. Sanofi, which concerns patent law’s enablement requirement. Under that requirement, codified at 35 U.S.C. § 112(a), a patent specification must describe “the invention” and “the manner and process of...
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