Gorodissky and Partners Law Firm Ltd

Gorodissky & Partners, V.Chornovola str. 25, office 227, Kyiv 01135, Ukraine.
Phone: +380 (44) 501 18 71
Gorodissky & Partners (Kyiv office) is a highly professional team of patent/trade mark attorneys and IP lawyers with profound knowledge in various fields of science, technology and law and considerable experience and practice of successful representation of clients’ interests before the Ukrainian PTO, courts and other administrative bodies since 2000.
20 professionals cover the whole spectrum of intellectual property including filing and prosecution patent and trade mark applications, disposal of patents and trade marks and, when necessary, enforcement of IP rights. We find efficient solutions on complex protection and defense of IPRs for different subject matters (inventions, trade marks, industrial designs, know-how, copyrights and neighbouring rights, etc.), in and out of court dispute resolution, IP due diligence, licensing, security, pledging, franchising and technology transfer, legal support of business, Internet projects and electronic commerce, anti-counterfeiting, unfair competition and false advertising.
We represent clients in agro chemistry, agriculture, biotechnology, IT, construction, consumer goods, e-commerce system, electronics, energy and natural resources, finance and investment, food production, fashion and retail, machine building, media and e-communications, medicine, nanotechnology, oil and gas extraction and processing, pharmaceuticals, tobacco products and equipment, transportation and many other areas of business.
Among our clients are large national and international companies, representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises, government organizations, academic and scientific institutions, universities, financial organizations and individuals.
Thank to our trustworthy partners network we can provide high-quality services in almost any country of the world.
Apart considerable extensive professional experience in research organizations and Ukrainian PTO our specialists have knowledge of national and foreign legislation, IP, prestigious higher education, academic degrees and excellent command of English and other languages.
According to the results of Managing Intellectual Property survey, Gorodissky & Partners Ukraine was repeatedly recognized as one of the best patent and trademark law firms in Ukraine.
Our patent/trademark attorneys and lawyers are members of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA), the International Licensing Society (LESI), the Association of European Trademark Owners (MARQUES), the All-Ukrainian Association of Patent Attorneys (AUAPA), the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Association of Lawyers of Ukraine”, the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, the Public Association “Union of Lawyers of Ukraine” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine (CCIU).
Gorodissky & Partners (Kyiv) is a part of the Gorodissky network throughout Ukraine & Russia.
Team Members
Maksym Bocharov
Head of Patent Practice

Oleg Zhukhevych
Head of Legal Practice, Trademark & Design Practice